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Solar Panels Protected From Pigeons in Arnold

Sleepless nights and a great deal of mess - pigeons were creating havoc at this address in Nottingham

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Solar Panels Protected From Pigeons in Arnold

With the light mornings it really was getting vey noisy for this Arnold resident. The pigeons were making a real mess of outbuildings, paths and cars whilst providing a most unwelcome early morning wake up call.

On top of all this, guttering was filling up with twigs, pigeon poop and feathers. It all got very unpleasant but we were soon able to provide the solution in the form of our super-strong weld-mesh. Pigeons can't bend it like chicken wire and it will stop you solar panels being invaded.

Got problems with pigeons nesting under you solar panels? Get in touch with our friendly and knowledgeable team...

Solar Panels Protected From Pigeons in Arnold